Dear Friends,
We are here to respond to the negative public perception about our population as expressed in the language and concepts used to describe us. When we are not called mad dogs, animals, predators, criminals and other derogatory terms, offenders and other derogatory terms, we are referred to as inmates, convicts, prisoners and felons. All terms devoid of humanness which identify us as "things" rather than as people. These terms are accepted as the "official" language of the media, law enforcement, the prison industrial complex and public policy agencies. However, they are no longer acceptable to us and we ask people to stop using them.
In a effort to assist in our transition from prison to our communities as responsible citizens and to create a more positive human image of ourselves ourselves, we ask everyone to stop using these negative terms and simply refer to us as PEOPLE. People currently or formerly incarcerated, PEOPLE on parole, PEOPLE recently released from prison, PEOPLE in prison, PEOPLE with criminal convictions, but PEOPLE!
We believe that if we can get progressive publications, organizations and individuals like you stop using the old offensive language and just refer to us as "PEOPLE", we will have achieved an important step forward in our fight to be recognized as human beings. beings that we are. We have made our mistakes, yes, but we have also paid our debts to society.
We also firmly believe that if we cannot persuade you to refer to us and think of us as PEOPLE, then all our other efforts reform and change will be seriously compromised.
Accordingly, please talk to your friends and colleagues about this initiative. If you agree with our approach, encourage others to join us. Use positive language in your writings, speeches, publications, websites and literature.
In Solidarity and Love,
The Returning Citizens Team
Maryland Cure, Po Box 1541, Millerville, MD 21108